
As you have to arrange the accommodations on your own and we want to make the planning of your trip to Debrecen a bit easier, we are giving you a recommendation list with a wide range of different types of accommodations. You can choose between guesthouses, youth hostels or hotels within Debrecen. Also, we have a few recommendations for you in Hajdúszoboszló, which is located close to Debrecen.
In the following, you can find a short description of the different accommodations. If you want to download the list including some more detailed information you can find a PDF-file below the table.
Accommodations in Debrecen
- Belvárosi Panzió: http://www.belvarosipanzio.hu/ (Website only in Hungarian)
- Rákóczi Panzió: http://www.rakoczipanzio.hu/en/introduction
- Nádix Panzió: http://www.nadixpanzio.hu/ (Website only in Hungarian)
- Némethy Panzió: http://www.nemethypanzio.hu/eng
- Régi Posta Fogadó: http://regiposta.hu/?sl=EN
- Korona Panzió: https://koronapanziodebrecen.hu/en/
Youth Hostels
- OEC West Kollégium: http://www.westhostel.hu/index.php?nyelv=en
- Gulyás Pál Kollégium: http://www.gulyasp-koll.sulinet.hu/ (Website only in Hungarian)
- Hotel Divinus: http://www.hoteldivinus.hu/en/
- Hotel Lycium: http://www.hotellycium.hu/en
- Campus Hotel: http://www.campushotel.hu/
- Centrum Hotel: http://www.centrumhotel.hu/?lang_id=eng
Accommodations in Hajdúszoboszló
As Hajdúszoboszló is only 20 kilometres away from Debrecen, we have also some suggestions for accomodations in this place.
Hotels in Hajdúszoboszló
- Hotel Silver: https://hotelsilver.hu/en
- Hotel Délibáb: http://www.hoteldelibab.hu/en